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Tips to water your plants

know how these tips can make a big difference.

Before starting these insane tips. Let’s know how much you have to water? It depends on humidity, sunlight, soil and plant type.

If it is clay soil, then it holds the water best. But it takes a long time to absorb it.

If it is sandy soil, then it does not hold much water. But it quickly absorbs the water.

As we all know, water is essential for every plant to grow. It is important to pour the right amount of water to soil for healthy growth.

The soil has enough organic material that helps retain moisture. But still, there are small spaces in the soil through which air reaches plant roots. Another thing you should always keep in your mind is water in the morning. That allows the leaves to dry all day and cut back on the disease.

How much water do you need?

Your plants need water to do photosynthesis. How much water your plant needs depends on their need. Factors like depth of plant roots and the level of groundwater may make a big difference. Like the tomato, roots can reach up to 2 feet deep, whereas lettuce roots can reach only 1 foot.

Plants with deeper roots are more capable of finding water in the soil and vice versa. To spray the right amount of water, do a research on the root depth of the plant you want to grow and know your soil type.

Know Your Weather

It is also a major factor which can lead to differences. Always remember to know the weather in your area where you have to plant. Why is it important to know? Weather can affect the rate of evaporation. How does this factor work? Unlike other environmental conditions, windy, hot, dry days suck up more moisture out the soil.

Water Techniques

Watering in the right way is an important aspect. Here are some techniques, following these points you can save your water and provide the right amount of water to plant.

1) Hand Watering: It is the simplest and common way to water your plants. People often use a hose or container to water. But there are some drawbacks also. People get impatient while watering and water less or more than the actual need. Before watering, always know your soil type if it is clay, then don’t be fooled by runoff. Water your plant until water pools on the surface and comes back after an hour and water again. But do not do the same with sandy soil because they need less time to absorb.

2) Sprinklers: This type of technique used in large farms where the plants planted densely. In this method, a sprinkler attached to a hose or built-in, spray water to a large area without wasting too much time. On the other side, it has some drawbacks. Spraying a lot of water on foliage can lead to disease. Weather factors such as wind, sun can decrease watering efficiency. Don’t use this method for small gardens because this will waste your water.

3) Drip Irrigation: Well, this method used for large farm fields where the soil need water all day to keep moist. This technique provides a steady amount of moisture to your plants. You can use a trickle irrigation system or soaker hose for thirsty plants and gardens planted on slopes. But it is a slow process.

How can you check that you have watered right?

You can not tell from outside that soil has enough water or not from the appearance of wet or dry. To see the water level, you can do two things:

Take a long screwdriver and stick it into your garden soil. If it goes in easily, that means you have watered enough or vice versa.

Another way, purchase a moisture meter for your garden and measure the wetness of the soil.

While watering, keep doing periodic deep soaking tests. The period differs according to weather conditions and soil type. So, know more about these factors in your area and do accordingly.

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