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What is Hydroponic Gardening?

Start growing with this ingenious technique requires soilless mixture.

Well, you have grown plants many times in soil, but have you ever tried this simple method (hydroponic gardening). It is a technique where you need no soil to grow your plants. It’s a great method, which helps you grow whatever you want and at any time without worrying about what the environment is doing outside. Unlike soil plants, hydroponic plants don’t take too much space, unless you allow them. The best part is, water plants can grow faster than the ground one. It’s not difficult to grow water plants if you follow the right way. These days, this method has become very popular whether it is just for decorative purposes or commercial. Plus, you can grow them anywhere in your home, whether in the kitchen, living room or dining halls.

Hydroponics, as the name suggests, “Hydro” means water and “ponos” means work. In a hydroponic system, water does the work to deliver all the nutrients to plants as the soil does.

Advantages of Hydroponic Plants

To grow a plant, you need to give them sun, carbon dioxide (Co2), water and nutrients. In a traditional system (soil), plant roots have to look for these essentials in soil bed and spread its root, which in turn withdraw a lot of plants reserve energy. But in the case of hydroponic systems, nutrients uniformly spread in the water around the plants roots. That’s why it is easier for hydroponic plants to get all essentials easily and need not spread its roots in search of food which saves its energy and turns into its growth.
In the market, there are a wide variety of hydroponic systems. In some systems, plants swim in the water whereas some plants grow in some kind of soil substitute (like peat moss, aged bark, coconut fibre, perlite). The bonus: as there’s no room for the soil on which many pests and disease survive, there is less chance your plants suffer. Plus, you need less water in the hydroponic system than traditional methods.

All you need to choose a well-crafted container, which suits your room decoration. And has enough space for the plant you want to grow. Place them where you want in your home after knowing the exact needs and then, do accordingly. And give your plants a touch of their favourite food - Plantic Organic Hydroponic Plant Food (comes in both liquid formulation or water-soluble). It contains all hydroponic nutrients which your plants need. With an easy to use formula, it feeds your plants instantly and promotes rapid rooting growth.

Let’s know about different kinds of hydroponic sets-ups

1) All hydroponic systems include a container or reservoir and a nutrient source, and water too.
2) Many hydroponic systems include a grow light, which is a medium to grow and air pump if you grow directly in water.
3) Some come with size-wise containers or reservoirs for indoor, which allow growing a single herb to a couple of tomatoes- and sometimes even bigger.
4) And some are designed to be used indoors, and others can be used outside, depending on temperature and time.

Many gardening experts consider this method more than just a fun way to grow a small garden. For them, it is a future of food production because unlike others, it needs not a farming area, you can put them in any free space in your house and enjoy its food. There are chances, growing hydroponic, makes you taste the flavorful food at home sooner than it comes to your local shop. Know more about hydroponic plants and which plants are best suitable for this system.

That’s all, you see that - how to grow your hydroponic garden in your home with a little space and low maintenance. So, why not start today. And enjoy gardening!
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