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Frequently Asked Questions Most About Flower Gardening

Know all your answers and start gardening beautiful blooms and tasty fruits.

As we often think, about how to overcome gardening problems and that’s why we bring some questions and their answers about flower gardening. Growing blooms in the garden or indoor brings a unique sense of happiness, fills your surroundings with its gorgeous colours, scents and shapes. But if you are a beginner, fail to do gardening or have some questions - check out here.

How do I choose flowers for a garden?

To know what you have to plant, figure out your climate zone which tells you the last frost. Now, check the plant tag, which you want to grow or search online for plants that can do well in your area. Or check whether it needs a shaded area or full sun and match with the spot where you want to plant and, check for other needs (if any), and then do accordingly. If you need more help to choose a flower - check out Best 8 Blooming Indoor Plants.

Describe the difference between annual and perennial?

Annuals and perennials both tend to add its beautiful, flavour to your garden both have some pros and cons. We think an ideal garden contain both perennial and annual. As annuals bloom, for a longer period but only for a single growing season and you have to repurchase it for next time, whereas perennials grow for a short time but come back again, need some pruning. Perennials are an excellent foundation for flowering plants, while annuals offer you bloom every year with new colour and texture.

When should I plant flowers?

Before you plant, know about your regions hardiness or climate. Because some annuals, like violas and pansies, can bear a light frost, while tender and tropical cannot be grown until the frost has passed. For perennials, fall and spring are usually the best time for plantation. On the other hand, bulbs - operate their own schedule. Summer bulbs like early spring whereas spring bulbs needs fall, for plantation.

What should I choose, seed or bonsai plants?

The answer will differ with the type of plant, like many perennials love to grow from seed, but many gardeners like to choose bonsai; for annuals, gardeners follow the traditional wintertime with, seed but need lots of knowledge and patience to start from seed starting. If you are a beginner or want to reach harvest sooner, start, from a bonsai plant. Or, if you want to do quality producing and nurture the plant from starting, choose seeds.

How to prepare the soil for planting flowers?

To prepare your soil for flowers, you need to clear the area (if any existing weeds, debris or rock). Loosen the soil up to a foot to allow the nutrients and air to go through it. Mix 3-inch Plantic Potting Mix, to add nutrients to the soil bed and make it rich, for all types of plants.

How to keep flowers growing all season?

You don’t have to worry, it’s a common error. It happens many times, you start from a blooming young plant, but find yourself bloomless after some time. To ensure flowering all season, give your plants care and do proper planning which they deserves. Choose annuals which can opt for all seasons, like petunias, geraniums, but with these plants, you also need to remove the dried annuals during the season. For instance, replace spring pansies with lantana for summer then, move to ornamental kale come fall. For perennials, plant a variety of blooms which never make you bloomless, like summer daylilies, spring peonies fade and come into bloom, and when they fall, hydrangeas will take over. To maximize your bloom use to feed them with Plantic BloomDrop Organic Plant Food (liquid fertilizer).

How to apply fertilizer to flowering plants?

Different plants have different needs, some are heavy feeders, and some can rely on little food. For example, spring-blooming peonies do not need regular fertilizer post flowering, while fall-blooming asters need nutrition all summer. We recommend you to feed your flowering plants with Plantic Water Soluble Bloom Booster Organic Fertilizer, after every week for super bloom and fruiting.

How to know when to water plants?

Rainwater is not enough for some flowering plants, so you need to plan for water from the hose, drip irrigation, or watering can (if you are not growing large flower yields). Avoid sprinkles because they can’t focus on roots and under leaves. There are chances, annuals with shallow roots need more water than perennial with deeper roots. In short, an inch of water is enough for flowering plants. Stick your finger in the soil and know soil moisture (if it goes easily means the soil has enough moisture). Or you can also use Plantic Water Storing Crystals - help absorb water and release it when needed.

What to get more flowers?

Yes, I am going, to disclose a secret to maximize the blooms - it sounds scary, but yes, its truth. Use Plantic BloomDrop Organic Plant Food, containing all essential nutrients to encourage super bloom and fruiting. And remove old blooms and weed, and water them whenever they need.

How to cut flowers from plants?

To keep flowers fresh in a vase, you need to keep these things in your mind:
  • Cut with sharp, clean shears or knife.
  • Pick flowers in the early morning, when they are fresh and hydrated.
  • Remove any lower leaves, as they can rot underwater.
  • Keep the cut flowers in freshwater and arrange them as you want and place it as a centrepiece. Replace the water after every 2-3 days.

What’s eating my flowering plants?

There are several agents which can eat your plants, depending on where you live. So, figure out what is eating your plant and then do accordingly. For example, if the size of the damage is larger, it can be an animal (like deer). While small holes or damage caused by insects. Use plantic Total Plant Care 3 in 1 (fungicide, miticide, insecticide).

Mid to late summer-blooming flowers?

If you started planting blooming plants on mother’s day, but now your garden only has foliage then, don’t worry. You will find many flowering plants at nearby gardening centres which can tolerate mid-summer heat, like marigolds, zinnias and geraniums (summer annuals). For a permanent solution, look for perennials, like black-eyed Susans, Russian sage, coneflowers, and bee balm.

How to protect plants from the heat?

If you live in hot areas, choose water-wise plants which can tolerate the high temperature. Used to give your plants routine water to keep the soil moist and prevent plants from scorching. Add a layer of Plantic Water Storing Crystals formulated to absorb water and release it later. Also, help prevent over and underwatering and reduce plants water stress. For extreme heat, move your plants temporarily into a shade (if possible) and give them a touch of afternoon shade. Or, place a shade fabric over your flowering plants.
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